Children of Thomas Brooks (abt. 1747 – 1805) and Wife Margaret: Ruth Brooks (1775/1780 – 1837) and Husband William Greenwood (2)

1798 tax list, Botetourt County, Virginia, from Botetourt County, Virginia, Personal Property Tax Lists, 1783-1851, available digitally at FamilySearch

Or, Subtitled: “Many of them attained prominence in the educational and executive departments of State”

I noted in the previous posting that Bartlett/Bartlee Greenwood, brother of William Greenwood who married Ruth Brooks, last appears on the Charlotte County, Virginia, tax list in 1795, and that he then moved his family to Botetourt County, Virginia. Information about the family’s move to Botetourt County for several years appears in Cameron Allen’s history of the Sublett family, which states that Bartlee Greenwood’s grandson G.W. Greenwood is the source of this information.[1] 

Children of Thomas Brooks (abt. 1747 – 1805) and Wife Margaret: Ruth Brooks (1775/1780 – 1837) and Husband William Greenwood (1)

John Carroll Power, History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois (Springfield, Illinois: Edwin A. Wilson, 1876), p. 335

Or, Subtitled: “The Greenwood family is one, around which cluster many interesting reminiscences”

Ruth Brooks was, I’ve concluded, the fifth child of Thomas Brooks and Margaret Beaumont/Beamon of Frederick and Wythe Counties, Virginia. When I say “I’ve concluded,” I don’t mean there’s uncertainty about whether Ruth was a child of Thomas and Margaret. Thomas’s 4 November 1804 will in Wythe County names daughter Ruthie Greenwood.[1]