Children of Alexander Noble and Catherine Calhoun (2): Alexander, Patrick, and Joseph

Portrait of Patrick Noble at Wikimedia Commons, from South Carolina Information Highway (SCIWAY) website, which notes that the original is at South Caroliniana Library

Or, Subtitled: “Here lie the bones of an honest man”

This posting is a continuation of the previous posting discussing the children of Alexander Noble and Catherine Calhoun of Abbeville County, South Carolina. The previous posting discussed Alexander and Catherine’s first four children John, Ezekiel, William, and Jane. This posting discusses the last three children Alexander, Patrick, and Joseph.

Children of Alexander Noble and Catherine Calhoun (1): John, Ezekiel, William, and Jane

Caroline Howard Gilman, Record of Inscriptions in the Cemetery and Building of the Unitarian, Formerly Denominated the Independent Church, Archdale Street, Charleston, S.C., from 1777-1860 (Charleston: Walker, Evans & Co., 1860), p. 29

Or, Subtitled: “It is needless to enlarge on his professional talent, his urbanity of manners, and unblemished honor and integrity”

The first four children of Catherine Calhoun and Alexander Noble were as follows (a subsequent posting will provide information about the couple’s other children):

Children of Ezekiel Calhoun and Jean/Jane Ewing: Catherine Calhoun (abt. 1751 – 1803) and Husband Alexander Noble

18 December 1779 letter of Major Alexander Noble to General William Moultrie, in Preston Davie Collection, 1560-1903, collection 3406, Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, available digitally

Or, Subtitled: “I am your Obedient Hbl Servt. Alexdr. Noble Majr

Establishing Catherine’s Birthdate

As a previous posting notes, the will that Catherine Calhoun’s father Ezekiel Calhoun made on 3 September 1759 in Granville (later Abbeville) County, South Carolina, appears to name his sons and daughters by their order of birth, with the sons listed separately from the daughters.[1] Ezekiel’s will lists Catherine after her sisters Mary and Rebecca. Rebecca’s date of birth, 18 November 1745, appears on her tombstone in Old Stone Church cemetery at Clemson in Pickens County, South Carolina.[2] The next child in the family of Ezekiel Calhoun and Jean or Jane Ewing is thought to have been their son John Ewing Colhoun, who was born in either 1749 or 1752, as we’ve seen.

Children of John Ewing Colhoun and Floride Bonneau (1): John Ewing and Floride Bonneau

Portrait of Floride Bonneau Colhoun Calhoun by Belgian artist Eugène François de Block hanging in master bedroom of Fort Hill, Clemson, Pickens County, South Carolina, from “Floride Bonneau Colhoun Calhoun,” at website of Clemson University.

Or, Subtitled: “Tradition recounts that she sometimes locked up ‘every closet, store-room, and smokehouse on the plantation and drove off with the keys’”

As the previous posting states, three of the children of John Ewing Colhoun and wife Floride Bonneau died in infancy and are buried beside their father in the Colhoun family cemetery at his Keowee Heights plantation in Pendleton District, South Carolina, a cemetery now in ruins and located on land of the experimental forest of Clemson University.[1] The posting transcribes the inscription on the tombstone that Floride had placed on John’s grave within the year after his death on 26 October 1802, and which states,

Children of Ezekiel Calhoun and Jean/Jane Ewing: John Ewing Colhoun (1749 [or 1752] – 1802)

Portrait of John Ewing Colhoun, from U.S. Senate Historical Office, at Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, “Colhoun, John Ewing, 1749-1802

Or, Subtitled: “In the confidence of his Country, he filled at the time of his death the high Station of Senator of the United States”

John E. Colhoun’s Birth and Early Life

John Ewing Colhoun, son of Ezekiel Calhoun and Jean or Jane Ewing, was born in 1749 or 1752. His tombstone in his Keowee Heights family cemetery now located on land owned by Clemson University’s Experimental Forest gives the 1752 birthdate: the inscription on the tombstone (which will be given in full later in my posting(s) about John), reads,[1]

He was born in the year 1752 and died on the 26th of October 1802.

Children of Andrew Pickens and Rebecca Calhoun: Rebecca (Noble), Catherine (Hunter), and Joseph

Said to be a photo of Joseph Pickens, from an unknown source, uploaded by Ancestry user lamarstyle to “D L S Family Tree,” with a note that the photo is found at John Dickinson’s website Southern Anthology: Families on the Frontiers of the Old South, which says the photo is from Ancestry

Or, Subtitled: “Mrs. Hunter seems mortified at the asperity shown by Mr. Hillhouse, in consequence of his furnishing the ball-supper”

This posting is the last installment in a series of postings discussing the children of Andrew Pickens and Rebecca Calhoun of Abbeville County and Pendleton District, South Carolina. This series began with a posting about Andrew and Rebecca’s first six children, which was followed with a posting about their next three children.

John Green (1768-1837): Pendleton District, South Carolina Records to 1799

Tombstone of John Green, Tannehill Historical State Park, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, my photo

Or, Subtitled: “Tell her I have got 5 guns all sure fire and when danger is approaching myself and jane will Each of us shoulder a few of them and march up the hill as a Reinforcement”

John Green’s Birth and Marriage

John Green was born 21 January 1768. This date is recorded on his tombstone, whose inscription reads,[1]

Sacred to the memory of JOHN GREEN, ESQ., who was born January 21st 1768, and departed this life March 18th 1837, aged 69 years 1 month & 28 days.