Children of John Green (1768-1837) and Jane Kerr (1768-1855): Jane Caroline Green (1808-1897) and Husband Thomas Keesee

Bible register of family bible of Thomas Keesee and Jane Caroline Green, photocopy sent to me in December 2000, Barbara Scott Wyche of Richmond, Texas, a descendant of Thomas and Jane, who told me she did not know where the original bible is

Or, Subtitled: He “marketed the first bales of cotton in Little Rock,—which event occasioned considerable excitement and comment”

10. Jane Caroline Green, the tenth child of John Green and Jane Kerr, was born 10 October 1808 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. This date is recorded on her tombstone in Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian cemetery at Ovilla in Ellis County, Texas, and also in a family bible that belonged to Jane and husband Thomas Keesee.[1] The inscription reads,

Children of John Green (1768-1837) and Jane Kerr (1768-1855): Ezekiel Calhoun Green — Estate Documents

Account of sale of Ezekiel C. Green’s personal property in Livingston County, Kentucky, 22 October 1851, from unidentified probate book, p. 397

Or Subtitled: When a Name in Estate Documents Hides Thickets of Kinship Connections

The final set of documents I have for Ezekiel Calhoun Green are his estate records. His tombstone in Smithland cemetery at Smithland in Livingston County, Kentucky, tells us that Ezekiel died on 6 April 1851. On 7 July 1851, James K. Huey appealed to Livingston County court for administration of the estate of Ezekiel C. Green, and was granted administration, giving bond for $5,000 with W.P. Fowler and Thomas M. Davis.[1] At the same court session, the court appointed D.B. Sanders, Joseph Watts, William Gordon, Samuel A. Kingsman, and Blount Hodge, or any three of them, to appraise the personal estate.[2]

Samuel Kerr Green (1790-1860): Arkansas Territory Records, 1821-1833, and Brief Sojourn in Arkansas, 1821-2

Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas (Chicago, Nashville, St. Louis: Goodspeed, 1890), pp. 646-7

Or, Subtitled: “Civilization had at last come to Arkansas. So overjoyed were the inhabitants that the community celebrated the first publication of the Arkansas Gazette with a barrel of whiskey”

As I ended the previous posting, I told you that, having brought the story of Samuel Kerr Green up to 1830, when he ended his employment as an overseer at the Magnolia plantation of George Bradish and William Martin Johnson in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, I’d provide information about indicators that at some point between 1825 and 1829, Samuel may have been in Arkansas Territory. As I’ve told his story in the posting I’ve just linked and in the posting preceding that, Samuel arrived in south Louisiana by 1822 and began working as an overseer on the Pointe Celeste plantation of Joseph Biddle and Catherine Andrews Wilkinson in Plaquemines Parish. I’ve also told pieces of this s story in several previous other postings (see here, here, here, here, here, and here).