John Green (1768-1837): New Information Added to Previous Posting

In the “Lawrence Family Papers” collection at Clemson’s archives, the deed of Thomas Gates to James and Elisha Lawrence, sons of Benjamin Lawrence, documenting Gates’ sale of the Green land to the Lawrences on 14 December 1819 is preserved. I’ve now added the following notes to the posting linked at the head of this posting:

On 14 December 1819, Gates sold some of the Green land to James and Elisha Lawrence, sons of the Greens’ neighbor Benjamin Lawrence, the land he had bought from John and Jane Green. The original plat for John Green’s 838 acres on the Keowee and Jane’s renunciation of dower passed from John and Jane to Thomas Gates as they sold their land to him, and from Gates to Lawrence, whose descendants saved these documents. In addition, Thomas Gates’ 14 December 1819 deed to James and Elisha Lawrence is preserved in the Lawrence Family Papers at Clemson’s archives.

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