John Green (1768-1837): New Information Added to Previous Posting

Deed of Thomas Gates to James and Elisha Lawrence, 14 December 1819, Anderson County, South Carolina, in “Lawrence Family Papers,” Clemson University Library, Special Collections and Archives, box 1, mss. 114

As a previous posting has noted, when John and Jane Kerr Green sold their 1,345 acres in Pendleton District to Thomas Gates on 4 May 1818, as they made their move to Alabama, Gates then resold that land to John and Jane’s neighbors the Lawrences. In the “Lawrence Family Papers” at Clemson University Library’s Special Collections and Archives, original documents having to do with John and Jane Green’s landholdings in Pendleton District have been preserved. Those documents appear to have passed from the Greens to Thomas Gates and from Gates to the Lawrence family when he sold the Green land to the Lawrences.

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