Children of Alexander Noble and Catherine Calhoun (2): Alexander, Patrick, and Joseph

Portrait of Patrick Noble at Wikimedia Commons, from South Carolina Information Highway (SCIWAY) website, which notes that the original is at South Caroliniana Library

Or, Subtitled: “Here lie the bones of an honest man”

This posting is a continuation of the previous posting discussing the children of Alexander Noble and Catherine Calhoun of Abbeville County, South Carolina. The previous posting discussed Alexander and Catherine’s first four children John, Ezekiel, William, and Jane. This posting discusses the last three children Alexander, Patrick, and Joseph.

Children of Alexander Noble and Catherine Calhoun (1): John, Ezekiel, William, and Jane

Caroline Howard Gilman, Record of Inscriptions in the Cemetery and Building of the Unitarian, Formerly Denominated the Independent Church, Archdale Street, Charleston, S.C., from 1777-1860 (Charleston: Walker, Evans & Co., 1860), p. 29

Or, Subtitled: “It is needless to enlarge on his professional talent, his urbanity of manners, and unblemished honor and integrity”

The first four children of Catherine Calhoun and Alexander Noble were as follows (a subsequent posting will provide information about the couple’s other children):