Floride Bonneau, Wife of John Ewing Colhoun: New Information Added to Previous Posting

“Art of the Month in the Atlanta Art Association Galleries,” Atlanta, Georgia, May 1957, in “Calhoun, Mrs. Floride,” Mary Stevenson Collection, Clemson University Special Collections and Archives, box 15, folder 3, mss 353

As I continue to add material to previous postings here after my recent research trip to the Special Collections and Archives of Clemson University’s Library, I have added an interesting new document to a previous posting discussing Floride Bonneau, wife of John Ewing Colhoun. When I first published the posting I’ve just linked, I included in it a digital image of a portrait of Floride regarding whose provenance and present whereabouts I had a number of clues that I had been unable to verify. I thought that the portrait is in the holdings of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, but had not been able to verify that information when I made my posting including an image of this portrait.