Ezekiel Colhoun, Son of Ezekiel Calhoun and Jean/Jane Ewing: New Information Added to Previous Posting

Loose-papers estate file of Hugh Calhoun, Abbeville County, South Carolina, box 18, pkg. 287

I’ve just added a few new pieces of information to my previous posting discussing Ezekiel Colhoun, son of Ezekiel Calhoun and Jean/Jane Ewing, and wanted to draw readers’ attention to this new material. As I worked last week on organizing my information about Patrick Colhoun, immigrant progenitor of the Calhoun family of the Long Cane settlement in the South Carolina upcountry, I did some research regarding a Hugh Calhoun who seems to be related to the family of Patrick Colhoun, and who died in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in 1799.

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